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8811 East Hampden Ave.,
Suite 104 
Denver, CO 80231

  • Phill Foster and Company

    Industrial land and building experience

  • Phill Foster and Company

    Subsurface mineral rights

  • Phill Foster and Company

    Water rights uses and sand and gravel

  • Phill Foster and Company

    Over 40 years office leasing experience

  • Phill Foster and Company

    Niobrara shale oil properties

Coaching in Commercial Real Estate

Many people who invest actively in real estate prefer to take advantage of commercial real estate coaching. A commercial real estate coach can help you realize your goals and make money faster.

Commercial real estate coaching might seem a little bizarre to purists. After all, real estate agents have been working on their own for many, many years, and producing results.

So, why should anyone opt for commercial real estate coaching?

A person who invests in real estate will be wearing half a dozen different hats at the same time. They have to be experts in real estate, no doubt. But they also need to have an excellent knowledge of several associated fields like accounts, law, marketing, business promotion, financial markets, and psychology. Besides these, they also require some expertise in zoning and environmental concerns too. Integrating all these arenas into one successful real estate campaign is a tough call.

Anybody who is having trouble in any one or all of these areas can benefit from a commercial real estate coach.

Commercial real estate coaching has several benefits.

Achieve goals: A coach can help you set and achieve realistic goals. They make it possible for you to realize your aims by helping you develop a more objective perspective and encouraging you to take timely, targeted action.

Valuable advice: Successful real estate agents have the uncanny ability to predict market trends and customer preferences. They also have the insider knowledge on when to enter the market and when to exit. Commercial real estate coaching can help you take advantage of years of real estate expertise and experience without your having to make costly mistakes.

Technical expertise: A commercial real estate coach will help you through the entire sale process. They will assist you to:

* Assess the expected returns on your investment

* Determine your fix-up costs

* Construct and negotiate deals

* Create winning exit strategies

* Making wise decisions that maximize your returns

* Close the deal successfully

Timely guidance: Traditionally, only a handful of real estate agents played the markets seriously. But these days, there is a huge volume of people getting involved in real estate. Businessmen, entrepreneurs, and employees are looking at real estate as a viable option for making sound financial investments. With so many players in the field, it is important that people have the latest knowledge and skill if they want to come out on top. Research, planning and strategizing are important in the real estate game. A coach can help you play this game like a pro! Remember good deals are available in the market all the time. Finding these is a matter of diligent research and analysis.

Many people who invest actively in real estate prefer to take advantage of commercial real estate coaching because they find that with the expertise of the coach to back them their investment comes back to them many times over.

A true successful professional mentorship can elevate your production level from good to great. Who wouldn’t want to rise to the next level no matter what field you may be in? Getting the proper coach could be like night and day so do your research and choose accordingly. If you are already aware of a weakness in your approach or are not sure, remember the old cliché, “The only Stupid Question is the One Not Asked.”

A coach won’t change your business fortunes overnight. If you’re willing and able to make the mental and financial commitment to professional coaching, you must have the patience to follow the program. Remember all real estate philosophies differ, you may want to attend some seminars from a variety of companies till you feel the right one jump out at you.