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Some Real Estate Views for 2018

Welcome to the 2018 real estate forecast.  Amid worries of a bubble and crash, the predictions and outlook for the US housing market are actually positive.

Businesses are happy about the new tax cuts, funds are being repatriated back into the US, and the stock market keeps reaching new record highs.  Although some disincentives are present for home buying in certain price ranges, that will just keep the market balanced for 2018.

Home prices should begin rising again this spring in New York and Boston, Houston, Miami, Seattle, Bay Area and the rest of overheated California.

Housing expert’s predictions vary for 2018.  Yet with the economy rolling along, without disasters, we can expect continued high prices, more building, and purchases of homes. Read the full report below and share it on Facebook because buyers should be informed before they sink $500k to $1 million into a home or condo right now. Buyers need to be smart.

The 2018 housing market predictions for Miami, New York, Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Washington, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Francisco and cities and towns throughout the US is positive. President Trump has a variety of economic trump cards still to play and with lower taxes, the economy is revving up. However, could the stock market forecast 2018/2019 hold any surprises?

Housing market demand predictions: Demand 2018 is also being supplemented by bankruptcy survivors who waited out their 7-year exile joining first-time buyer millennials, baby boomers, immigrants, foreign investors (Canadian and Chinese), and even gen Xers wanting a bigger house.

The cost of living is rising, and it means workers and businesses in cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, San Jose, Miami, San Diego, and Boston may migrate to cheaper cities such as Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.

Labor shortages, rising mortgage rates, and higher lumber costs are looming which could mean house prices could rise, and perhaps fewer resale houses will be for sale. This fall, new home sales have been brisk as reported by the Commerce Department.

The housing problem has been brewing for 7 years and it’s the worst for California. Yet with crisis comes the opportunity for capable real estate investment people. Homebuyers will need to be creative and well informed to match their income and buying power to the lofty prices being sought for houses for sale across the country.

In this EPIC United States Housing Report with predictions for 2018 to 2020, you’ll discover the hottest markets, zip codes, get stats and understand the key fundamentals that are driving the real estate markets today. Is a housing market crash or a stock market crash possible? It’s a worry of investors.

Experts predictions vary for Los Angeles, Seattle, and San Diego to New York.  Despite talks of housing bubbles, the 2018 market overall looks good with shifts in the cities that will benefit most.

Some real estate sales and real estate investment experts are predicting a strong US housing market for the next 5 years. The economy should last to support the stock market unless some significant events occur.

Let’s start off with the newly released 2018 Forecast from Freddie Mac.  The predict a good year ahead with a solid 5% growth in price. They note that the aging population could keep demand subdued although limited housing for sale should create upward price pressure.

Here are some reasons why people are still eager to buy real estate:

home prices are appreciating and it’s a safe investment over the long-term

millennials need a home to raise their families

rents are high giving property owner’s excellent ROI on rental properties

flips of older properties continue to create amazing returns

real property is less risky (unless you get over-leveraged)

the economy is steady or improving (although Trump’s letting his enemies cause too much friction)

foreigners including Canadians are eager to own US property

bankrupt buyers are over their 7-year prohibition from the last recession and they can buy again.